Oct 24, 2020
Thank you very much for the sharing. It's a good starting article to work with streamlit in Colab.
Also, I used to need to do shell script in Colab for using ngrok and that's really tedious to start and kill, knowing pyngrok package from your article is another gift.
Update as of 26 Oct 2020:
- There are updates in pyngrok, the ngrok.connect param "port" changed to "addr", you would see something like the tunnel cannot connect to port 80 if you still use "port"
- The botocore have 1.9.4 and it is not yet working properly as I tried, and it would say somehting like "cannot import name 'IPV6_ADDRZ_RE'"; what I did that worked is down grade to botocore 1.9.3